Tuesday, March 19, 2013

THE FULLNESS OF GOD 1 - Pst Light Morafa

Colossians 1:7-8
As ye also learned of Epaphras our dear fellowservant, who is for you a faithful minister of Christ;
Who also declared unto us your love in the Spirit.
Epaphras, he was responsible for pioneering the Colossian church and the Laodicean Church as well, he had been sent and he had brought good report, He declared to the apostle their love in the spirit, not just their love in the flesh but also their love in the spirit, in Verse 9
For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;
His desire was that they be …filled with the knowledge of his will… are you filled the knowledge of God’s will for your life?
In Romans 12:1-2
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service (or reasonable act of worship).
And be not conformed to this world: (Don’t be conformed to the standards of this world, don’t be conformed to the dictates of this world, don’t be conformed to the systems of this world, don’t be conformed to the world’s way of doing things) but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
The Good will is the general will and it’s a very dangerous place to find yourself, “everybody is going into a particular line of business and there’s money in that business”, “I heard that they have discovered oil somewhere in Numan, so I’m packing to Numan”.
I heard that, a senior PHCN (formerly NEPA) official moved to this area some years ago, as a result of that we observed that there was constant power supply in this area, the next thing was that house rents in the area, skyrocketed, I started hearing people say “I’m packing to Bauchi Street, I’m going to Demsawo”. Let the headquarters of PHCN move to Bauchi Street, I still will not stay there; it matters where you stay, it matters that you are where God wants you to be it matters that you are where God wants you to be, it matters that you’re in a job that God wants you to be, it matters that you’re in a relationship that God wants you to be, a marriage that God wants you to be, a country that God wants you to be, you’re relating with friends that God wants you to relate with, you’re in the school that God wants you to be, don’t just do something because everybody is doing it, that’s the general will, the good will and its very dangerous.
Then there is the acceptable will, the permissive will, not good enough, the end is always trouble, even though God permits, it is not the best place to be, as you grow in Christ, you begin to leave the good things for the best things, that is what the second aspect of sanctification does for you. You have a sanctification that is instantaneous and then you have the one that is continuous. When a man is born again he sanctified, he’s separated from the world and separated unto God, but there is a second aspect of sanctification that is ongoing, it is called sanctification by the word, as you receive the word you are sanctified, your mind is sanctified, you are renewed, you are refreshed, you get information and every time you receive that information, you change, until you get to that level of growth that God has planned for you, that’s how people grow in Christ, so you leave the good for the best and so the permissive will is not good enough. 


  1. Nice for a start. Will like 2 have options for downloads as time goes by. Moving from glory to glory

    1. Hi anonymous, please a leave a name, thanks for your comments though.

  2. Quite inspiring,takes me down memory lane with the msg(the three phases of Gods will)I avnt listened to it in a long while. The best place to be is Gods perfect will,the good and the acceptable will of God will not do. Thank u so much,Winnie.

  3. wow!! this is beautiful, we are saturating the earth with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ

  4. Wow is so g8t to know dat i can be filled wit all d pleroma of GOD,it means dat sickness dose,nt exist in my world cos am a disease to disease,am a reducer to every sickness in d world today.wow is so g8t to know dat am a GOD carrier.

  5. This is awesome.

  6. The mere thought of having the totality of deity (the God-head) living in me puts me beyond this realm. As the scripture says in Col 2:9-10 "For in him should all the Godhead dwell bodily. And ye are complete in him...." I am conscious of this truth and express this life everywhere i go. Totally in-charge, in office; you name it.

  7. This brings to mind the continuation of this message "The Fullness of God" last week.
    Heb. 4:12(paraphrased) - The word has the ability to penetrate my skin, joints and bone marrow(which is where blood cells are produced). Therefore, my blood cannot be infected because the word keeps refreshing the blood in my body!!! Glorious insight! What a life!!!

  8. What a good and perfect place to be, powerful words. Pastor pls put this to a book, people will buy and read and they will surely be bless. I'm touched. Glory!!!

  9. Deacon Jide AkinbolusireMarch 23, 2013 at 5:37 PM

    My life is replete with the information that I constantly receive. Am fully loaded with the glory of God, where else would I have been? Halleluyah!

  10. Wow,fire confrence was beyoned words,now i gat d fire shortup in my bones, i can,t keep it 2 my self cos if there is a fire people most feel d heat.glory 2 GOD

  11. Glorious wonders are spoken of d o city of Zion,glorious wonders are spoken of d o city of holiness!

  12. hi bros, no update yet. am missing Yola, please update me with Pastor's msgs. Love u all
