Friday, March 22, 2013

THE FULLNESS OF GOD 2 - Pst Light Morafa

Sometimes God has a plan for you, and you’re in a hurry, you’re rushing. 
Several years ago, Rev. Ken said something in a conference that got to me, "you see something in the market, you must buy it, you go and borrow money, you go and sell your properties, you must wear this shoe, you must wear this dress, in fact the seller said this is the only one he brought from US, there’s no other person that has it in this town and he’s lying to you, how can his business prosper by going to china, or America to import only one shoe or one dress just for you, and how much are you going to pay for it? If he enters plane spends 350 thousand Naira to go and buy a shoe of 15 thousand Naira for you and then you believe", and the he said "look let this thing go, free your spirit, must you get it? And after you've bought it, a month after, a year after there’s a better design, better one, then the one that you bought becomes old fashioned or obsolete or not as nice as the new one, so never rush to get anything."
The best is to be in God’s perfect will for your life, being at the right place at the right time, doing the right things that God would have you do, and this principle applies in every area of life. Read about the life of Isaac, everyone was going to Egypt because it was the most developed society of the time, but God told Isaac to remain in Gerar. You hear people say they are going for greener pastures, what do you mean? Anywhere you are is green, the land is not green because of the green plants you see, the land is green because you are there. When the philistines dug a well it became dry, when Isaac dug a well, it was never dry, it wasn't because the philistine couldn't get to the water it was because this man was a blessed man, everywhere he went he carried the blessing, that is why as a Christian where others have failed you will succeed, where doors have been shut for others it will open for you because you carry the blessing, you must be conscious of that, a Christian is not a victim but a victor, you are not disadvantaged, the bible says and we know … (it’s a knowledge) and we know that all things work together for good… Isaac dwelt in Gerar and the bible said the man waxed great and went forward and he became so great that the unbelievers the philistines envied him.
Why are you always going for the easy way? You're always look for the easy option, you’re not a failure you’re a success, when they say something is difficult, why must you run away from that thing knowing fully well that your strength is in the spirit; you know the power and strength of a man by the power of his adversaries. If you have a powerful man that is against you it means you’re powerful. Amen!


  1. Wow!!!
    The land is green because I am there!!! There is no disadvantage for me..Glorrrryyyyy!!!!!

  2. Glory 2 God!!!!!FAUSTINA is a bundle of success, failure has no place in me Halleluya n I refuse 2 move with d crowd,anywhere I am I prosper . Thank u pst Sir i'm truly bless.

  3. Thank you so much Pastor Sir, with this I just have a re think over something. God has perfect it because I can't fail. Glory!!!

  4. I don't need greener pasture,the land is green already,I made it so,glory to God.

  5. it will be nice to know what you are having a rethink about bro Oche Jerry Ada. Did't hear from you since you left Yola several years back. Nice hearing from you. kindly encourage others to visit the blog and follow us on Yookos.

  6. I see posibilities around me, here and now
