Monday, March 25, 2013

Singles Seminar - Pst Light Morafa

This Single Seminar is more than a seminar for singles, its more than an admonition, it’s a word seminar, so we need to get it straight. The word of God is absolute reality, it will bring to pass in your life whatever it talks about. God’s word can influence and impact you in every area of your life and incidentally this is one area where a lot of people have missed out on God, one area where the devil has cheated a lot of God’s people. You are a slave to what you don’t know, you’re a slave to an information you don’t have. Learning is a continuous process. You can’t know everything at once and that is why the bible says a word of knowledge, a word of wisdom because we don’t have all of God’s wisdom, we have a part of it. God’s Wisdom is infinite, God’s knowledge is infinite, you can’t exhaust God’s knowledge and so from time to time He gives us part of that knowledge and the more we study God’s word, the more we know His Word, the more we know His mind, plan, and the more we get acquainted with His will for our lives.

 There are lot of  things that I learnt pretty early in life that was not for that time,  it was supposed to be for the future, so take advantage of every available information at your disposal. Some of you may not be ready to get married in the next one year, two years, three years , four years or even five years. Somebody said “pastor God forbid”, yes five years and there are some who will never get married, “pastor I’m not in that group” and they will say “it shall not be my portion in Jesus Name”, even if you say it a thousand times, it still will not change the truth. I will show you from the bible, it is not everybody that will get married. Lets lay a foundation first.

Psalm 119:9 wherewithal shall a young man cleanse way? By taking heed according thereto according to thy word.

Now if you read a newer translation like the English standard Version, it doesn't use the word cleanse his way, rather it says “how can a young man/woman keep his way pure,” it says “by living his or her life according to your word”(Paraphrased). The bible says guard your heart with all diligence, guard your spirit with all diligence , mount guard over your heart , mount guard over your spirit; it says for out of it are the issues of life, in other words don’t allow anything to come into your spirit, don’t allow anything to just come into your heart. It says how can a young man keep his heart pure, by living his life according to your word. How can you keep your way pure?
In other words how can you keep your life free of impurities?   There are things that can come into your life that can make your life impure. How can you prevent yourself from been polluted? Now I’m using several words, they may not mean the same thing but am trying to get your attention on how you can you keep your life free from the wrong influence.

 David said, '' Your word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against you'' (Psalm 119:11). It is very important for your life to be regulated by the word of God, you don’t take any decision without considering the word, you don’t take any step without considering the word, your life is programmed by the word. In 1Peter 1:23, it says Being born again not of corruptible seed (i.e not of perishable seed) but of incorruptible but by the word of God which liveth and abideth forever.

So when a man is born again, he’s born of the word. Jesus put it this way, He said marvel not that I say unto you, you must be born again. In the book of John He said he that is born of flesh is flesh he that is born of spirit is spirit (John 3:6). So when your born again you are born by the Spirit of God. God becomes your life's source and everything must remain connected to his source for survival. Brothers and sisters, the word of God gave birth to you, you are a product of the word. It says being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the word; you are product of the word of God and so your life must remain connected to your source which is the word of God.

People start having problems in their lives when they’re disconnected from their source There’s a popular adage that “any river that forget its source will dry up”, when you buy a product maybe a flat screen TV, home theater or a device, they always come with a manual, the manual lets you know how that device will operate, now if you function outside the manual, if you operate the device outside of what is written in the manual, they tell you, you are liable to damaging that device and in Africa, a lot of people buy devices and don’t read the manual. Take for instance, when you bought your phone, did you read the manual that came with it? In fact some of you don’t even know where your manual is. You threw the carton that came with the phone away. In fact, for some, the moment they bring out the phone from the shopping complex or from anywhere, they tested it, and they carry the phone and you don’t go home with the carton and the manual, they just leave it and say “what is this carton, na carton we go chop” - African man - Don’t be African in your thinking. We don’t read the manual and we start complaining.

You are God’s product He is the manufacturer and when He manufactured you, you came with a manual and that manual is the word of God; it is called the manual for life. So when you don’t read the manual that defines your functionality, what happens is that you will malfunction. It says how can a young man keep his way pure? By living his life according to the word of God. Don’t try to be like other nations, don’t be like the Israelites that said they wanted to be like other nations, some folks say “ I like a church that talks about relationships a lot” I said “God didn’t give anybody any ministry of relationship. There are people who are into deliverance ministry, prosperity ministry, healing ministry, first born ministry, dethroning devils ministry etc But what did apostle Paul say? He said God called him to declare all the counsel of God (Acts 20:27) and that’s our job, that’s our responsibility; to declare the whole counsel of God... to be continued



  1. Awesome !!!! Thank u

  2. To answer this question, No it is not necessary or compulsory to fall in love with someone before you marry the person. The bible says love the one you marry. Not marry the one you love.
